Odkrývanie histórie je nikdy sa nekončiaci proces; nielen preto, že každý okamih je jedinečný a logika času nám ho nedovolí prežívať znovu, ale i vďaka neustálemu prehodnocovaniu i spochybňovaniu našej individuálnej a kolektívnej minulosti. S časovým odstupom sa mnohé veci zdajú zrozumiteľnejšie, pochopiteľnejšie, začíname sa na ne pozerať optikou nových znalostí a skúseností, bohužiaľ, veľmi často aj optikou nových ideologických filtrov a aktuálnych tendencií.
Súčasná mediálna sféra sa prispôsobuje rýchlemu tempu života spoločnosti pestrou ponukou „rýchlo prevarených“, no nie preverených informácií. Vo vzťahu k ruskému kultúrnemu priestoru je tento problém veľmi aktuálny, nakoľko ruská žurnalistická tradícia, odrážajúca sa i v spôsobe spracovania informácií v médiách, je nielen literárne, ale i historickocentrická. Bez znalostí ruskej histórie je takmer nemožné pracovať s ruskými informačnými prameňmi, ani zodpovedne a fundovane koncipovať svoje analytické materiály a vyjadrovať sa k aktuálnym spoločensko-politickým otázkam.
Cieľom kurzu nie je pokrytie celých dejín Ruska v ich komplexnosti: zameriava sa len na niektoré nosné aspekty ruskej histórie.
- Učiteľ: Adamka Pavol
The e-learning course is intended for all those, who are interested and would like to discover more about history and political system of the USA. The target group are mainly the students of journalism but the texts may serve as an additional material for anyone who wants to broaden his knowledge of the English language or facts about the USA.
The chapters chronologically follow particular historical periods from the discovery of the new continent up to the most present history and the final chapter is dedicated to the political system of the USA. Also, the chapters follow similar structure: they consist of an explanatory text supplemented by revision activities provided at the end of each chapter and related authentic texts of various kinds: historical documents, news reports, letters, constitutional amendments, press releases, press conference transcripts, senate resolutions, court appeals, blogs, reviews, biographies and many more.
There are several reasons for providing the authentic texts in the lessons. They were primarily chosen to supplement or enrich the information about a certain historical period, event or phenomenon. Secondly, they serve an example of various styles of authentic writing and help the students of Journalism understand the way the texts are written in English. And finally, they may serve also a background for both individual and class activities.
- Učiteľ: Adamka Pavol
This course is intended primarily for students of journalism to broaden their knowledge about the history of Britain, its chief figures and events that shaped the country and at the same time the whole world; thus it is important to have some general knowledge of the historical context to become a good journalist.
At the same time, the texts are designed to improve students´ language proficiency. By studying the materials, they will build vocabulary and master their reading, speaking and writing skills in English language.
The text may as well serve as some additional material for all who want to improve their knowledge of the English language as well as the facts related to the history of United Kingdom.
The course is divided into 11 separate chapters, ten of them covering different historical periods and the last one dealing with political system of UK. The periods are presented in a chronological order. The chapters contain an explanatory description to the given period and chosen authentic texts from or about the period. After the study and reading, students can check their knowledge as each chapter is followed by activities. In this section, they can find questions to answer, or topics for further discussion, multiple choice questions and various tasks in form of writing essays, interviews, stories, or leads. The activities are proposed in order to encourage students to comment freely on the topic and to improve students´ creativity, writing skills, argumentation and critical thinking.
- Učiteľ: Adamka Pavol